Monday 16 September 2013

56% Nagpur school students own a smart phone

NAGPUR: A survey of school students last year found 56.03% of the respondents in Nagpur owned a smart phone. The results of the Gen Y survey, conducted by Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) along with Smart Tech Wizards quiz last year, were released in June 2013.

The survey was conducted in 14 cities covering around 17,500 students. In Nagpur, the survey covered approximately 1,400 students from over 80 schools.

The survey aimed to map use of information technology by students, including the time spent on internet, use of social media and so on. Dr Rajiv Mohta, paediatrician and national joint secretary, Indian Adolescent Health Academy, however, did not agree with the smart phone figures. "They might have access to smart phones but they might not necessarily own. Many students like to show off. But it is a fact that children's access to such devices and internet is increasing, which is creating problems in the long run."

Some 85% of the respondents rated Facebook as the most preferred social networking platform. About 15% of the respondents spent a whooping 2-3 hours daily on the internet while 18.34% spent about an hour on it. Many also said they preferred using social networking sites to communicate with their friends, rather than picking up the phone and calling them.

"This trend is indeed very worrisome. Due to an increased level of so-called social networking, the social skills of children are fading. Ask them to name one friend they would turn to with full confidence during trouble, most of them will be lost," Mohta said.

Agreeing with the above sentiment, Neeru Kapai, principal, Modern School, Koradi, said, "Indeed, a large number of students are using such technology. Many times, they end up using social networking sites just for the heck of it as many of their friends are using it. In this process, a lot of students don't know what they are getting into and how people can take them for a ride."

She further said that the school had conducted a workshop about two years back to educate students about the dangers and pitfalls of excessive use of internet. "We are planning another such workshop in the near future," Kapai said.

Experts say such easy access to gadgets and technology is hampering children's socializing skills and health. "Obesity is rising at an alarming rate. Students are so glued to the internet that they shy away from meeting actual people, which can be quite dangerous. On internet, you can never ever judge and decide about a person as you can face to face," Mohta said. 

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